Sunday, June 10, 2018

MoneyWalk 445 You Shall Not Murder

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Even though there are laws punishing murder in every nation on earth, there are still a small percentage of people who murder other people. Let’s define murder as someone in malice killing another person without proper justification via biblical moral standards and authorized police, military, or corrections department authority. If only 1% of people on earth unlawfully murder one person each year that amounts to 60 million murders. Certainly, even a fraction of this number is not acceptable, yet it happens every day and even crooked government officials sometimes do it and try to hide behind the cover of their authority / badge. This ought not be!

Laws should be established based on biblically correct moral values that are meant to be shared by all human beings. They are very important in letting people know what the LORD and the community expect they will not do and the consequences if they violate the moral expectations. Any nation not governed by such laws will be in chaos resulting from each person doing whatever he/she thinks is right in his/her own eyes. It will see a greater number of people willing to murder and commit other heinous acts because they believe doing so will greatly benefit them even when other people are disadvantaged. The morally bankrupt will get the wrong idea about the benefit of such acts and thus continue to commit them because punishment is not immediately exacted for such behavior and unfortunately others will be pulled into such immoral behaviors. For many relativism, which is the epitome of selfishness, would overtake decision-making and the nation would progressively plunge into destruction.

Upright laws are important but alone they will not stop murder, even when punishment is exacted on the lawless. Each person needs a change of heart based on a moral code (standards for behavior) that is upright. I find the best and only one that matters eternally is the one that springs from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Where His love is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost causing you to learn His ways and not want to do anything that would displease Him. The new creation it makes of a person always changes him/her for the better resulting in fruitful actions and growth throughout the remainder of his/her life.

The tie in to finances is that you should not want to murder any area of your life or reputation by being a bad steward of the manifold blessings the LORD allows you to have. He commands everyone to live by moral standards and imparts the Holy Spirit to everyone who accepts Christ as Savior to guide them to do what is right in His eyes. You are acting unlawfully with malice when you trample upon biblical commands by failing to learn them and follow them. Such murderous activity hurts, disadvantages, and destroys you when not repented of (turned away from). It also is an example that hurts others and leads them to similar harmful activities.

Even though some liberty is taken using “murder” in the arena of finances, I hope you get the point. Failing to employ biblical principles in any area of life including finances will harm you and others even when it does not show up right away. God desires that you have the abundance necessary to do what He purposed you to do. Commit from this day forward that you will not murder His plan for you and that you will move forward in love in every area, so you get out of life for yourself and other people everything He created you for. Adhering to biblical financial principles, by grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, will make this a reality throughout your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 19:7-13, Matthew 5:21-26, Mark 7:20-23

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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