Saturday, June 30, 2018

MoneyWalk 447 You Shall Not Steal

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We normally think of stealing as taking a material possession or legally protected idea belonging to other people without their consent. This is the type we are most familiar with, but interestingly it is not the type of stealing that happens most often.

Stealing from the LORD is the most common type of theft perpetrated by man. To be sure, stealing things from other people is unrighteous and tends to be the type for which perpetrators receive the quickest punishment. It is far more unrighteous to steal from the LORD, your maker, by failing to give Him the tithe He instructs believers by faith to give. When you trust in His provision tithing will not be an issue and you will give offerings above it. When you do not tithe you can come up with a lot of excuses for failing to do so that seem right to the natural / flesh-pleasing mind yet are unacceptable according to His will.

He does not bring judgment upon you with the quickness, like human police / judicial authorities because His plan is to appeal to your spirit so you will at some point trust Him and realize He does not need tithes and offerings rather He designed this faith-based protocol as a means of showing you whether you trust Him above all and are willing to live like He instructs in order to see His Church carry out His plan of worldwide evangelization and disciple-making that leads many to faith in Him and a Heavenly eternity.

Man owns no possessions or ideas of his own worth having. You are only a steward of a portion of the LORD’S manifold possessions – managing them on earth with the possibility of being given leadership authority over eternal jurisdictions and possessions when you do well managing earthly possession for Him. No earthly possession will follow you into eternity: Heaven or Hell. Only what you do with them on earth to advance gospel causes with bring eternal reward to your life.

Never steal any possessions given to another person to manage. More importantly, never steal from the Father: the one person that cares for you more than any human being ever could including wife, mother, or father. By faith, honor Him like He instructed regardless of ridicule by other people for doing so and even when it looks like you might experience lack. The following benefits are experienced by those who do not steal tithes & offerings from Him:

1. He rebukes the devourer of your finances and your soul (spiritually demonic beings with plans to steal, kill, and destroy your life).

2. He opens the windows of Heaven over you to pour out tremendous blessing that glorifies Him, provides your need, and helps you serve other people.

3. He will not let your fruit rot on the vine. You will be successful and bear much fruit (many God-led works).

4. Many will see that you reside under God’s blessing and this will be a platform you can use to point many to Him, so they too can be blessed immensely by following the truth of His Word in every area of life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:15, Malachi 3:8, Luke 18:22-25, Acts 5:3, Revelation 4:11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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