Sunday, June 17, 2018

MoneyWalk 446 You Shall Not Commit Adultery

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible describes adultery as immoral and unconscionable. It is usually defined as a sexual relationship between a married person and another person who is not his/her spouse. However, the LORD also described as adulterous human being’s proclivity to make their number one priority the pursuit of money, position, power, fame, and material things. Our chief aim should instead be to spend time with Him to increase intimacy, so we can love Him more and know Him and His ways better.

As Creator, He designed us to have intimacy with Him through worship including thanksgiving, praise, prayer, bible study, fellowship with other believers who desire to have the same type of devotion to Him, and through the legitimate good works He designed and purposed each of us uniquely to do including our day job(s). We should not have intimacy with and devotion to any other spiritual being (satan, angels (fallen or holy), celestial bodies, etc.) through worshipping it. In addition, our intimacy with other humans should be within the boundary lines the LORD set within the bible. Anything outside of these boundaries lead to destruction, spiritual death, and eternal damnation.

Our LORD is the triune God (Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit) who told us in scripture that every person who will be saved from eternal wrath must come to Him by believing in his/her heart that Jesus Christ is his/her Savior and publicly declaring He was resurrected to new life after being put to death on the cross as the offering to eliminate the sin of all who turn to Him. No person can be good enough on his/her own to gain access to an eternal heavenly home. While the short measure of his/her days on earth might provide some momentary pleasure and happiness, we know this is sprinkled with much temptation, hardship, trials, wrong doing, pain, and hurt. One’s faith and trust in Christ alone, is the only way to be resurrected to abundant life that continues forever beyond the earthly grave we will all experience.

When you are in Christ, it shows in your life by the way in which you employ biblical principles to give glory to Him, become fruitful, and example His ways to other people around you. You are wholly committed to His way of doing everything as instructed via biblical principles knowing they are the absolute best pathway for you to give glory to Him and truly serve other people in a way that can help lead them to Him in hope they will choose the benefits of salvation and eternal life. Failure to follow His principles and use methods that comply with them is not something your heart can tolerate. So, in the financial arena you employ His principles of:

1. Working diligently to serve, gain experience, and develop skill that produce income to care for yourself and your family and help provide for others in need.

2. Tithing and offering to honor God for His provision and help fund the spread of the gospel throughout the earth.

3. Budgeting to live within your means.

4. Eliminating debt and moving forward to live debt-free.

5. Eliminating cosigning for other people’s debts.

6. Saving a reasonable portion of your income.

7. Investing a reasonable portion of your income to produce greater profit.

Following biblical principles in love toward the LORD and other people and refusing to listen to satanic spiritual and worldly voices who would lead you to do otherwise ensures His best for your life, success in His eyes, and a deep and lasting eternal relationship with Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Isaiah 43:10, Matthew 15:19, 2Peter 2:9-22

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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