Sunday, December 29, 2013

MoneyWalk 222: The Business Of Purpose

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When faith in the Lord does not guide you then you misunderstand your sole purpose for being (having intimate relationship with Him) and veer away from the use of your vocation as a means to worship Him and be a blessing to other people.

Faith is more than just a word and it must be quantified and displayed in a personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ that leads you to live according to His moral plan laid out in the bible. It should not be guided by commendations that you receive or desire from other people. Instead it must be guided by doing and saying those things that scripture instructs in conjunction with the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Sometimes people will like your moral standards and how they guide your life and sometimes they won't. Some will say you are wise or intelligent and some may say you are ignorant or stupid. Nevertheless, you should choose to march on in good works produced by faith knowing that man is never wiser than God.

Many stories in scripture show that people can become wealthy when their guiding principles come from faith in Christ. His providence and the choices He allows you to make point you to a variety of jobs, career, and entrepreneurial undertakings (including those that are ministry and mission based). It is your responsibility to engage these employments in a Christ-like manner free from greed, narcissism, oppression, and other ungodly heart conditions. Be more interested in pursuing His specific purpose for your life via good stewardship than in obtaining wealth to lavish upon yourself.

Many people have prospered immensely in their personal and business lives when applying faith in Jesus Christ to their work, business, and money management practices. Everyone should be talking and living by faith, no matter what their business, employment position, or calling because it is the will of God that we produce godly works and avoid ungodly works (even the very appearance of evil). Only then will your work glorify God with fruit that remains as a beacon for others to see and engage relationship with the one and only Savior and LORD, Jesus Christ.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Mark 11:22-24, Romans 4:16-25, Hebrews 11:6-10, James 2:17-24

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, December 22, 2013

MoneyWalk 221: Faith In Business

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

All businesses are started by faith because "faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." A person starts a business believing that there is revenue out in the world waiting to come to him. He cannot see it but he hopes for it and then obeys his belief by working to find a product or service that he can offer to other people that will cause them to give their money in exchange for his product or service.

This level of faith can produce great earthly abundance for some people, but it does not lead to eternal life. Faith in Jesus Christ alone leads to right standing before Father God enabling you to inherit an everlasting home in Heaven. Then, His will and way via biblical instruction should be the guiding principles for you when you start a business or if you already have a business (lucrative or not).

When it's not, you will go outside biblically moral boundaries to produce earthly wealth or some other eternally meaningless, short-lived satisfaction. True faith in God and the integrity that it produces in Christians is a vital means by which we use our business resources to support the preaching of the gospel in our community and throughout the world to lead others to Jesus Christ so they can inherit eternal life. It does not mean that we do not also donate time and money to other meaningful charity work, yet each true believer wants everyone to have this precious eternal inheritance and will make sure that funding of the gospel is his / her number one priority.

Thus, we do all we can to present the truth to people without forcing them to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Force is not His way of operating but persistence, patience, establishing His standards in your life and business, and willingness to be a mouthpiece for Him are definitely His way of doing things. It's very important that your faith be expressed in your personal and business endeavors in a way that produces good fruit.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ecclesiastes 5:8-11, Romans 12:10-13, Hebrews 11:1-2, James 5:1-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

MoneyWalk 220: The Bible Way

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Scripture identifies that people with faith in the Lord give a tithe of their income in order to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ within their own community and around the world. In addition, through employing this biblical principle you will:

• Help fulfill the Great Commission given to believers.

• Honor God by being a good steward (manager) of the possessions He gives you.

• Show that His will is the first and main priority of your life.

• Show where your heart is truly located (in the world or in God).

• Allow supernatural reward, protection, and blessing into your life on a continual basis.

Because tithing is percentage based (10% of increase) and not based on a denomination of money, it is inherently fair to everyone because every believer gives the same proportion of income to the church for ministry work, regardless of their level of income. A person with no income would tithe $0, whereas a person who earns or receives $100,000 annually would tithe $10,000, a person who earns or receives $1,000,000 per year would tithe $100,000, etc.

The story of Abraham told in both Old and New Testament passages example for us how great people of faith tithe, thus showing the world around them that Jesus Christ is LORD over all their life including their finances.

Some people argue that we live in the dispensation of grace and not under the law and therefore God gives us no commands to live by and especially not tithing. However this argument cannot be correct because the Great Commission in the bible says that we must teach other people all that God commanded. Other letters to the saints identify commands in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to refrain from or to take certain actions.

Many Old Testament laws were done away with, but those things are clearly identified in the New Testament or never mentioned in it. Tithing is mentioned in the Gospels as something we ought to do as a complement to justice, mercy, and having faith. Also, the writer of Hebrews makes it clear that we tithe to the One of whom it is witnessed that He lives (that can be none other than Jesus Christ) and that He receives our tithe in Heaven though we bring it on earth to His appointed authorities.

Jesus didn't condemn the law rather He fulfilled it by doing away with the need for us to perform works to gain entry into His presence and Heaven but also by identifying a few commands as works of faith. His living in us by the Holy Spirit gives us all the power and wherewithal we need to obey His commandments when we otherwise would not be able to do so by human volition.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 14:20, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7:8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

MoneyWalk 219: Change So You Go In The Right Direction

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Just like we must utilize biblical money management principles in order to fulfill God's will for the use of our resources in order to bypass financial tragedies that could otherwise occur in our lives, we must also utilize biblical principles in other areas of our lives to:

*Bypass tragedies that could occur.

*Have an added measure of God's protection on our lives.

*Present us with the experience of fruitfulness we need to rid ourselves of fear and worry that we might not prosper doing things God’s way.

When you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, your endeavors to discipline and control your appetites and actions will be Holy Spirit influenced, guided, and empowered. Only then can you truly fulfill the perfect will of God in the earth and build treasure in Heaven.

Some people are currently confused, believing they can do a good work or two on one hand yet continue ungodly practices on the other hand without receiving the consequences of the ungodly practices. There is a point in time when the corruption of people becomes so bad (via engaging fornication, sexual immorality, pornography, crime, divorce, lackadaisical child rearing, and greed) that God's wrath against sinfulness is directly poured down upon that person, community, or nation.

Each person should repent, pray, and use self-discipline to engage lifestyle activities that will eliminate ungodly practices. Interfaith prayers, philosophies, and religious activities will not bring about such change because you cannot mix godliness with heathenism or else you compromise the truth of salvation, sanctification, godly fruitfulness, and eternal life in Jesus Christ alone. You should love other people groups (in the ways the bible instructs) but recognize only His truth will make you free.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Matthew 28:18-20, John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Jude 1:3-4

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, November 24, 2013

MoneyWalk 218: No Matter What Serve the Lord

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We are daily presented with situations in which we must determine who we will serve. Either we'll serve the purposes of God almighty or we'll serve satan. Many who serve satan don't believe they serve him. In fact, a good number of people think satan is a figment of man's imagination. Others think they're doing what they want. And others just don't believe God exists or that He has any specific requirements for how they should live and determine activities to engage.

Satan seeks to continually muddy the water by encouraging you to engage such beliefs because they help keep as many people as possible from having relationship with the LORD God by accepting Him as Savior and being obedient to His commands. Satan also wants to keep you from living the eternal life that God provides through Jesus Christ and he wants you to believe that there is no consequence to living in a worldly manner through satisfying your own lusts.

Per biblical warning, living according to the lust of the eyes, the flesh, and the pride of life has ushered many unrepentant people to hell. Today, many more people appear to be considering as moral lifestyles and activities that scripture says are immoral. They have moved into the lifestyle God said depraved man (those without Christ) would continually move – calling His truth a lie while heaping teachers unto themselves that tell them God could not have actually meant what He so clearly said through the scriptures.

The false belief systems that satan will continue to encourage will affect your salvation, sanctification, and finances if you allow it to influence you. When you buy into them you won't manage your life and money in a way that glorifies God, you won't give to support of ministry that works to add people to the ranks of the saved, and you won't support preaching / teaching that helps mature people to be sanctified mature members of the body of Christ.

No matter what serve the Lord, because you understand satan’s plan to influence you to be unfruitful and have you inherit the home of the damned (hell) in which he and the fallen angels will ultimately dwell for eternity. God is faithful no matter the situations you face and has only the best in mind for your life and eternity. Believing His design and taking action in the ways He instructed will bring everything you need to be productive and pleasing to Him and all others who have sound minds.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Job 2:9-10, Proverbs 23:17-19, 2Timothy 2:3-4, Revelations 12:10-11

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, November 17, 2013

MoneyWalk 217: Net Worth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The Lord does not measure you by the abundance of things or material riches you possess. He does not love a person more who has obtained more money or material things. However, He does require you to be good stewards over what He has given you. This requires that you use your God-given talent and perform a trade working for yourself or someone else (attorney, garbage collector, accountant, etc.).

Do not bury your talents and gifting in the ground or think you are someone because your net worth exceeds a certain dollar amount enabling you to shower yourself with opulence. Rather cultivate your gifts and leverage your financial net worth to help you be a blessing to other people.

Recognize that financial net worth has limited importance and it is only a great thing when it is leveraged to help spread the gospel throughout the earth and disciple people in Christ’s way. The scriptures identify godly men and women who accumulated great fortunes and ungodly men and women who accumulated great fortunes. God is not displeased at everyone who is rich or has increased net worth. He is displeased only when your accumulation has been obtained using wicked means to gain an end and/or when you are not rich in giving to support the work of Christ.

Since He allows different portions to be provided to different people, He is not looking for everyone to wind up with the same net worth rather He is looking for each of us to utilize biblical money management principles to order our financial steps throughout life. When we do this, we will bear much fruit, give abundantly, and grow our net-worth (accumulate assets) in a way that pleases the Father.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 13:5-6, Job 1:1-3, 42:10-12, Acts 4:34-37, James 5:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Monday, November 4, 2013

MoneyWalk 216: Budget Your Way To Blessings

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

A budget is necessary for successfully managing your finances. Every person should have a budget to ensure that they're getting the most out of their income. It helps you see exactly how much comes in versus how much goes out over short and long range periods, so you don't blindly float along buying things that cause your expenses to creep above your income.

Without a budget you will likely have no ability to appropriately save and invest for the future. Many people attempt to budget in their heads, but it causes them to fall short on bill payments and other operations of daily life that should be greater priority. Writing out a budget would have forewarned them of the situation and let them know that negative consequences would eventually follow if they do not correct the situation.

A good book that contains budgeting illustrations along with paper and pencil are all that's needed to start writing your budget. A computer spreadsheet or budgeting software makes the job even easier. After your initial few hours setting up your budget, you'll only need about an hour each week to maintain it and revise it if necessary due to changes in income and necessary expenses.

My recommendation is that you pay the tithe as the first line item expense. Then, find out how the rest of your budget works out – do you have a surplus during the pay period or do you have a deficit. Now, look at your expense categories to identify the amounts that can reasonably be eliminated or reduced, so that the extra money can be put toward a $1,000 emergency fund and then repayment of consumer debt (credit cards, car loans, personal loans), especially if your budget showed a deficit. If it showed a surplus and you have consumer debt, use the surplus amount to pay off the consumer debt. Otherwise, use the surplus to build a $10,000 emergency fund and thereafter build it to six-months of expenses.

On average it takes people who are focused two to three years to pay off all their consumer debt, about six months thereafter to build the emergency fund to $10,000 to six-month worth of savings, and about seven years to pay off their mortgage even while putting the minimum amount of money in their 401k that enables them to get the company match. Over the years, budgeting your income and expenses will produce enormous blessings that in the past you never thought could be realized.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 13:22-23, 21:20, 27:23-24, Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-31, Romans13:7-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, October 27, 2013

MoneyWalk 215: The Voice Inside

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are many voices in the world and we must listen to what they're saying and discern whether the voice is of almighty / all-knowing, ever present God. When it’s not Him, the voice is either your own, someone else’s, or satan’s (could be through fallen angels – what we call devils / demons). None of the latter voices can be good for you since the Lord is the only one who knows what is absolutely best for you.

This does not mean that other people cannot speak the will of God to you and give you guidance that comes from His wisdom, yet satan will never lead you by God’s wisdom. You should certainly learn to listen to other people and discern whether or not their guidance is in accordance with the Lord’s will. However, you should cut off (bind and cast out) the voice of satan once you know he is trying to impart to you because scripture lets you know all he wants to do to you and everyone else is steal, kill, and destroy on earth so that you like him will not experience the heavenly eternity that God wants for you.

By praying to the Lord and studying the bible to understand the principles and promises almighty God established only for those that choose Jesus Christ as savior, you learn the difference in the voices, why the Lord’s is good for you to obey, that the other voices are bad for you to follow, and to differentiate the voices.

Until you understand the Lord’s voice and the goodness the scripture tell you it points you to, the other voices will sound similar and the emotional appeal they emit and produce in you may appear to be from the Lord because satan and other fallen angels most often try to make you believe they are angels of light. They will communicate half-truths and/or truth with the wrong motive like satan did when he confronted Jesus after He fasted 40 days in the wilderness and was weary, hungry, and thirsty.

Knowing the word of God helps you discern that these unholy spirits are putting on a facade. These enemies of righteousness come to destroy your fellowship with God and the saints, your marriage, career, success, and prosperity. They want to convince you that God hasn't established principles leading to your financial health or that the money management actions they suggest are God's principles. If they can trick you into believing and managing according to their will, then they tighten their grip on you and cause you to operate outside of God's will.

They'll say borrow, spend, and waste as much as possible on your desires because God wants you to have everything you desire and have the finest at all cost, but you must know the voice of God so that you steer clear of satan's plan and do not despise the day of small beginnings, and allow the Lord to bless you in His timing according to His specific purpose for you on this earth. In this way, you will please the Lord who called you and be ever profitable to Him for everyone else’s sake.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

1Kings 13:13-26, 2Kings 13:14-19, Acts 16:6-12, Revelations 3:14-22

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Monday, October 21, 2013

MoneyWalk 214: Financial Dexterity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Christians should learn to be skilled at what God calls us to do. The Holy Ghost gives the understanding necessary for this skillfulness because He stands ready to qualify everyone God has called to a particular ministry.

Ministry is any full-time or part-time work / service you engage where the input conforms to biblical principles for living and where the output produces godly fruit and/or income that will support the great commission that Jesus gave the church. You also have this mission individually because you are a member of the body of Christ. When you work as unto the Lord, recognizing Him as Creator, King, and Lord of all then your work in any legitimate industry qualifies as ministry (politics, business, sports, government regulation, pastoral care, evangelism, etc.).

No matter how many vocations you have at one time, your God-given priority is to make sure that you input godliness and output good fruit into that work. This is also true in your vocation as manager over God's possessions. Everything you have is really His and you are simply a steward over a portion of His estate. Therefore, you want to be clever about managing His belongings in order to get the most out of them.

Never say you don't have enough money to manage (tithe, eliminate debt, save, invest, and diversify), otherwise your mind will then focus on spending all the income you receive. This will lead to a life of debt bondage where you recklessly take out loans to finance purchase unrealistic present desires that won't allow you to properly tithe, save, and invest for greater future returns.

It takes spiritual dexterity in order maintain a positive outlook and follow the Lord instructions for managing finances in both good times and bad times. The Holy Spirit resides in you and gives you needed dexterity to throw touchdown passes with either hand so that, throughout life, you are profitable, blessed, and prosperous to the Kingdom, yourself, and other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Judges 20:16, 1Chronicles 12:2, 2Timothy 2:15-16, Titus 1:9

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 29, 2013

MoneyWalk 213: Arrogance & Riches

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You can be rich without being arrogant! There are many who are not respecters-of-persons. They do not look down their noses at other people because of their station in life and they genuinely try to help lift others up to the spiritual and natural state of blessedness that Christ wants each person to experience.

Yet, there are times when people will call you arrogant because they've mistaken it for godly confidence. We must certainly allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate areas of our life where we may be thinking or acting in an arrogant manner and make practical changes to be more Christ-like because greater natural stature (riches, power, position, fame, etc.) brings bigger demons that tempt you to put off Christ-likeness and believe that self-sufficiency advanced you to the stature you have.

One demon that attacks naturally rich people to a greater degree than the general populace is the spirit of arrogance (especially in the area of dealing interpersonally with others). This spirit tempts the unwary person to become haughty about himself and his accomplishments and leads him to think that he is better than everyone who has not attained a level of wealth set in his mind as the level necessary to be recognized by God and/or man as a prosperous achiever.

No doubt, people who are naturally poor can be arrogant as well. Their arrogance generally initiates from the idea that their poverty makes them more acceptable to God than other people because of their naturally low position. Thus, everyone must recognize the evil intentions of the spirit of arrogance by regularly reading the bible and daily fellowship with the LORD and the church via a local expression of His body in order to understand that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.

Christ’s way is for you to recognize your lowly position in life no matter how tall you stand before men, yet recognize your high position in Him where you and others that are saved, no matter their natural station, are seated with Him in Heavenly places.

By all means, you should practically, according to God’s wisdom, do all you can to increase the blessings and rewards God gives you so that you can be a greater blessing to others. And, you should be an example to others in this endeavor in the same manner as the first two servants in the Parables of the Talents that traded the money entrusted to them and doubled it. They received the encouraging words “Well done my good and faithful servant. Now, enter into the joy of your Lord!”

Do not believe the lie that another person is less desirable to God than you are because of their earthly material wealth or lack thereof. As you prosper in the earth by managing money according to biblical principles, don't accept the spirit of arrogance in your life or else it will ultimately bring negative results into your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 16:18-20, Luke 12:15-34, James 2:1-9, Revelations 2:8-11, 3:14-22

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 22, 2013

MoneyWalk 212: Greater Ministry Ability Via Proper Money Management

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We’ve all heard someone say, “It takes money to minister at home and abroad.” Those who tell us this realize that much of the ministry performed directly and indirectly comes from volunteer efforts provided by parishioners and other well wishers. These are resources each church does not pay for that is necessary for its survival and for vital ministry.

Yet, it is important to note that even Jesus maintained a treasury for ministry and training of the disciples. The bible shows various women and other people gave money to Jesus in order to help spread the gospel, meet ministry needs, and engage good works among the people.

When money is necessary you can be sure that Almighty God will provide it through faithful tithers, offerers, and supernatural occurrences. This truth exists for the worldwide Church as a whole and each individual church with regard to the mission God desires that they pursue. It also holds true for you.

Yet, you must eliminate in your heart and mind the belief that you cannot currently minister because you have no money. There are plenty of things you can do to deliver the gospel to other people without great monetary expense to you, such as one-on-one witnessing and discipleship, visiting nursing homes and hospitals to pray for the sick, establishing bible study groups in your home, giving unused clothing and utility items with a scripture verse to people in need, as well as volunteering / serving within your local church (usher, alter minister, choir member, or other needed tasks).

So, if you do not currently have great income or assets, do not despise the day of small beginnings. Rather, begin to serve in these ways or many others that are available to you while recognizing that God will bring revenue to you and/or show you how to ask for donations prior to your ministry needing money to pay for resources to help you move to the next phase. In addition, began right where you are to positively manage the income and assets He entrusts to you. This will augment the exterior harvest from other people and will produce an inner harvest from which to tap money and resources for the service to which you’re called. Positive money management will also give people the confidence to donate to you and help you fulfill what God progressively calls you to do.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 4, Nehemiah 2:1-9, Matthew 6:33-34, 2Corinthians 8:11-12

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 15, 2013

MoneyWalk 211: The Most Important Thing

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Though I teach people how to manage money management according to biblical principles using present day methods that please God, I understand that the result you should seek is not wealth for wealth’s sake or prominence in other peoples’ eyes.

Many people want to succeed in having big incomes, expensive homes, and cars in order to show other people or prove to themselves that they’re somebody. Others want to do it because societal teaching and influence says this is what you should aim for otherwise you’re not successful.

However, these are wrong reasons to pursue careers and ministry that may allow large incomes that can provide expensive homes and cars. The careers and ministry are not the problem, as long as they are not in and of themselves unholy by nature. The large incomes, homes, and cars are also not the problem. The problem is any person’s or societies attitude that makes God’s will secondary or less is the problem.

Many people through immaturity or unbelief have chosen what they perceive to be the better part. Yet, we know the better part is sitting at the feet of Jesus, spending time with Him, getting filled up so that we can go out and do what He created us for including the good works He assigns us throughout our lives. Yet, in the society we live in its pretty natural for the overwhelming majority of people to seek fortune or fame that they believe will bring riches.

Another sizeable segment of society seeks self-expression through artistic or utilitarian endeavors, supposedly not caring anything about making a decent living on which to provide for themselves and family, but also not caring about staying within the bounds of decency in God’s Word as they walk out their lives, professions, and endeavors.

You must realize that it’s natural for hard work at a legitimate job or business to prosper you over the long haul through raises, promotions, greater opportunities, and good management of your income. This situation provides for increased comforts and flexibility throughout your life. Yet, in order to know whether or not you have a proper perspective on prospering and being successful, you should continually ask if things get real tight and my income is drastically reduced and some expenses need to be cut in the short-term so I can continue moving into long-term financial health and vitality will I still claim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, manage my life by His principles, and give up anything that is central to my life in Him and focus upon Him and what He called me to do and be?

I certainly hope your answer is Lord as we move into the future I am ready, willing, and able to sacrifice things and positions in order to be blessed by You so I can be a blessing to many others.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 20:3-17, Ecclesiastes 9:8-12, Matthew 7:16-23, Revelations 2:8-11, 3:7-13

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

MoneyWalk 210: Avoid Scams In Order To Build Wealth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

One of the most important ways to build wealth is to avoid scams that deplete your finances. People who pull these tricks to separate you from your money are not often the gruff, dirty, uneducated type. Many of the scam artists who get people to hand over their money and then misappropriate it are very educated, have professional credentials after their names, appear clean cut and respectable, are charismatic, and have great ability to convince people to do what they want them to do. Of course, all of these traits help them get people’s money under false pretenses.

They run scams that range from failure to invest in the manner they told you they would to illegal pyramid schemes to selling expensive advice that will do you no good. Often such scams work because those being scammed are deceitful, greedy, too lazy to research backgrounds of the scammers, or too ignorant to understand the parameters in which good investments operate.

Many of the scammers count on the victim’s greed and desire to be somebody special to motivate the victim to swing at the pitch thinking they will quickly hit a home run out of the ballpark. That is why the scammers communicate in ways that make you think you will be part of an exclusive group of people when you invest through them and they also tout results that everyone else is achieving via their investment prowess like guaranteed high-interest earnings and other get rich quick scenarios.

The old adage is true, when an offer or solicitation sounds too good to be true, it usually is and you will pay dearly for getting caught up in it. So, don’t allow tempters and money-grubbing scam artists to ruin your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ezekiel 34:1-10, Malachi 2:7-12, Matthew 23:1-14, John 15:4-8, Jude 1:10-12

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 1, 2013

MoneyWalk 209: Wisdom Concerning Money

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you conform to worldly standards you will engage money management methods that displease God. Such methods hold back your full potential, yet many people use them because they believe a few people have become rich using them.

Worldly methods generally begin with spending all your income, borrowing as much as you can, and getting additional loans as soon as you get your hands on them in order to partake of the American dream of owning fine houses, cars, furniture, and the perceived good life.

Such methods continue through giving very little to spread the gospel and do good works by faith. This is selfishness whether or not acknowledged. Its goal is to maintain your dream throughout life rather than God’s dream for you.

In addition, worldly methods are usually augmented by failure to plan via budgeting income and expenses. You operate out of guesswork which gets you in trouble at various points in your life by forcing you to pay bills late, avoid creditors you owe, and file for bankruptcy.

Jesus Christ, who is wiser than Solomon, said ‘the abundance of life isn’t contained in the things that you possess’ and His word also confirms that it’s best that you refuse to borrow. He also identified that you must give in support of ministry work in order to be truly blessed eternally (which includes the measure of natural blessing that shows up in your earthly life). Do not complain when you’re asked to give to ministry to a greater degree than you have in the past. Simply, seek the Holy Spirit in your time of prayer to find out God’s will for your giving.

Scripture shows that a godly person plans the spending of his or her income and seeks to constantly know the exact state of his or her finances. When you do these things, you’re able to successfully carry out the ministry He’s given you (glorifying God in every way possible while caring for immediate family, other people He assigned you to serve, and evangelizing & discipling other people in the marketplace of your life).

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 13:7, Haggai 1:1-10, Luke 12:20-21, James 1:5-10

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, August 25, 2013

MoneyWalk 208: Ministry Pay

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The humanistic world system teaches and displays in their examples that everyone should think me first and everybody else last. Too many present day gospel ministers are worried and complain about pay and benefits and constantly try to embarrass their followers into sending more into their personal coffers. Much of the additional money that comes into their hands through the church goes toward bigger houses, more expensive cars, finer clothes, and more toys so they can look like the CEO’s of today and hang out with the high and mighty in society. God certainly will show favor to his servants and there is nothing particularly wrong with any these things as long as your motivation in ministry is not based upon getting them and you would minister the gospel of Christ with the same fervency even when you do not receive such things.

The bible shows that a hireling demands specific compensation. Whereas a true servant does not make such demands because He understands that God owns everything, all promotion comes from Him, and all things work together for good for believers. The biblical account of Jesus and the Apostles shows the proper attitude about service; it is important to God that you worship Him and fulfill your part of the great commission to preach the good news to every race, creed, and culture and to teach them how to live according to His commands.

Scriptures show you how to approach the compensation portion of your ministry service to others; do not be greedy for filthy lucre. This example applies whether you’re a pastor, para-church ministry executive, or ministry worker and you should imbed it in your heart even when you are employed by secular enterprises. God is please with ministers who recognize that He will increase their stature before God and man at the appropriate time and bless them to have all their needs met and to receive many material things as a reward for the labor of love they have undertaken in spreading the gospel.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Acts 20:33-35, 2Corinthians 11:3-15, 2Thessalonians 3:6-15, James 4:17, 1Peter 5:1-4

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, August 18, 2013

MoneyWalk 207: Do Not Oppress People In Order To Prosper

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most people would probably say they’re not prejudice against others regardless of skin color. However, actions speak louder than words. If you do not currently have actions that support your non-prejudice claims, you must make a change in order to please the King of Kings who instructs us not to be respecters of persons and to not oppress other people.

Start by declaring each day going forward that you are not racist or prejudice because this helps change your mindset and rid you of discriminatory actions. You must be sincere about your claim and want to change areas of your life where the Holy Ghost convicts you of beliefs, words, and actions that are unlike His character.

Common forms of prejudice that could show up but often are overlooked:

**Overwhelmingly hiring people within your race because no matter the background and experience of someone of another race.

**Using criteria that does not specifically show how well one can perform a job in order to deny a person of another or culture.

**Overwhelmingly using people within your race as financial advisors after passing up others who had great experience, shared your financial stewardship philosophy, and had a character / personality that could work well with you.

**Using biased tests and criteria to determine who gets higher level educational opportunities within your company.

**Almost never mingling with and building close relationships outside of work and ministry with people of other nationalities, races, and backgrounds.

When you show such prejudice it is easy to be convinced that you are only measuring necessary criteria. However, God knows when you are unrighteously denying other people opportunities for relationship, work, and play that should be afforded to them. Certainly, you should use biblically based criteria as the measuring stick for environments you will be in and actions you will take in getting to know other people and hanging out with them in more intimate settings.

Yet, you must realize that your life of ministry requires you to be around people you might not otherwise choose to be around because you understand their soul is very important to the Lord. Now, go forth into all the world preaching the gospel and discipling other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Galatians 2:11-14, Ephesians 3:3-8, Philemon 1:10-17, James 5:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Monday, August 12, 2013

MoneyWalk 206: The Holy Spirit Should Guide Your Money Management

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is necessary for you to long to and consistently carry out the will of God in money management, business, discipleship, management of money entrusted you by God, and anything else you do. It is possible to build business(es), accumulate great wealth, and be very successful in man’s eyes and yet be unpleasing to the Lord.

The fact that you have attained a level of material greatness, fame, and power on Earth does not show that you walk in the Spirit. Many people driven by the fleshly carnal nature build their own kingdoms. Unless they repent and give Christ rulership of their heart and lives they will not profit eternally though they experience great profit, fun, and some happiness materially on Earth. Jesus let us know with certainty that the abundance of life is not in the things that one possesses and that it profits a man nothing to gain the world and lose his soul.

Yet, everyday many people seek opulent and expensive material things, fame, and power as their greatest priority instead of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and letting Him add and show them the things they should do to augment adding all the other things that He knows will truly prosper them. Their carnal minds are drawn into the allure of worldly passions, so they use world systems to obtain.

Thus, much of what they create and the money they earn are used for pursuits that seem good but do not support the Great Commission and the Great Commandment that God in Christ gave the Church. The Holy Spirit’s guidance is essential in building wealth in a God pleasing manner that allows you to continually seek God’s face whether you currently have little or plenty or in the future come into great wealth or a lesser financial position. When you listen to Him you are ensured that your products, services, and proceeds complement gospel work, truly help other people, and help you live in the prosperous condition He desires for your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

John 16:7-11, Acts 1:5-8, Romans 12:9-13, 1Corinthians 12:27-28, Jude 1:17-23

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, August 4, 2013

MoneyWalk 205: How To Handle Negativity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You will at times have money spats and disagreements that produce friction in your relationships. Your spouse may have a spendthrift behavior and disagree with you on the need to save a reasonable portion of your income. Your parents may get into trouble and be facing foreclosure and pressure you to give them money to try and catch up the mortgage. A loved one may spew ridicule because you refuse to pledge money to their pet project. Or, someone may be hiding from you at the time they are supposed to be paying back money you loaned them.

Many times both parties are at fault for the friction. If they had made decisions based on biblical money management principles, they would have avoided the friction and would be comfortable with the results of their actions, regardless of the results. Don’t get me wrong, you will experience frictions and differences in what the result should have been even when you engage financial transactions with other Christians. And, there certainly may be times that you need to discuss negative results and share how you believe the other party should have handled the situation. Yet, you stop well short of hate and simply allow the Holy Spirit to work in both hearts what needs to be done.

God gives peace that passes all understanding, which produces patience in you and maintains joy. This allows you to forgive those that mistreat and cheat you. Yet, there are times when the Holy Spirit may lead you to stop engaging money transactions with offenders that will not correct their behavior or he may instruct you to stop fellowshipping with them altogether until they have shown positive change. His love calls us to account and may isolate offenders until they see the error of their ways and begin to act in ways that are best for themselves and other people around them.

Always pray that the Holy Spirit correct the situation in the way He chooses and conduct yourself with the utmost integrity, and refuse verbal spats and physical confrontation! Be an example of Christ-likeness no matter what others act like and simply know the truth and it will make you free!!! This posture is highly likely to be an example that the offender will ultimately follow.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 16:20-23, 21:15-16, Ephesians 4:30-32, 6:5-9, James 5:7-9, 1Peter 1:13-16

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, July 28, 2013

MoneyWalk 204: God Rewards His Shepherds and Good Stewards

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The Lord designed His body, the church, to operate and fulfill its mandated mission using under-shepherds to lead, guide, teach, and provide spiritual protection to His flock. He is the Good Shepherd and they serve under Him in a manner that pursues His will for themselves and the flock, not their own will. If any leader be found to not serve the purposes of Christ, hold dear the things that He holds dear, and act and live in the manner in which Christ and the early apostles did, then he is not a shepherd under Christ and you should find yourself a true church to attend lead by shepherds that follow Christ and that ask only of you that you follow them as they follow Christ.

To stay in an ungodly fellowship holding that the person at the top is a leader is not saying much, for satan is a leader. Yet, we know he leads people into sin, destruction, and damnation. As a child of God you desire no communion with such rebellion. Each individual Christ follower must study the Word to understand what it directs, then ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, and thank Him for the empowerment to fulfill the instruction.

God designed and laid out instructions so that in true churches lead by true under-shepherds a portion of the corporate tithe would provide not only for needs of the church administration and carrying out its part in the gospel mission but would also provide income for those who serve as under-shepherds, giving their time to prayer and the study of God’s word so they can effectively lead, guide, teach, and spiritually protect His people that He allows to follow them.

Don’t fail to tithe because you don’t like that your shepherd’s are paid, paid a certain amount, or because you do not agree with particular projects / ministries they have undertaken. This will block the blessings and rewards God has in store for you. Rather, tithe unto God and let Him handle ministerial pay details in the manner He chooses through the people He allowed to be placed in eldership over that congregation. You should simply seek to be a tither and an abundant giver that joins with a community of believers in which you discern and see evidence that the fruit matches the type scriptures shows is produced by Christ’s body. As a result, you will reap abundantly from the seeds you have sown.

Look for a church where under-shepherds serve members in the ways that God identified as spiritual, practical, and profitable. Under-shepherds being servant leaders who disassociate with those who take advantage of other people for filthy gain works hand-in-hand with God’s desire for you to build wealth because it is improbable that you will build wealth when you allow anyone to suck up for himself every bit of money and resource you receive.

Thus, under-shepherds should always seek the best advantage for the sheep (members of the body of Christ) according to the instruction of the Word and the parameters of blessing and reward that God put His stamp on in scripture. In this way, both the under-shepherd and the sheep will be abundantly blessed. This same instruction applies when teaching people how to be good stewards to help finance ministry goals and maintenance of the Church as an organism and organization in the earth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Numbers 18:21, John 10:7-15, Acts 4:36, 2Corinthians 9:6-8, 1Peter 5:1-4

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Monday, July 22, 2013

MoneyWalk 203: Don’t Let Satan Lead You?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Various influential people are saying, in a workplace, a person should never talk to anyone else about his / her religious beliefs. Other voices erroneously state that the U.S. Constitution forbids talking with others about religion or trying to get them to see the benefit of your religious belief. Of course, they do not and cannot provide reasons for such beliefs that are more important than the Lord’s instruction to go into all the world to evangelize and disciple unbelievers. Nor do they provide language from the constitution that forbids such activity so hearers can measure whether such statements are true or not. They simply expect readers to accept their opinions as truth and the etiquette that should be adhered to.

I understand why people would have this mindset and opinion when they choose to disbelieve the bible. However, even when a law enacted by humans forbids religious speech and activities, Christians have no biblical or spiritual basis to stop activities that are directly commanded by our LORD and Savior. No matter what the laws say and the consequences for violating it, we evangelize unbelievers and build up believers with the Word because we know it is God’s will for every person ever created to hear the gospel and have an opportunity to respond to it in saving faith.

Also, it’s best for everyone and the temporal world we live in for each person to individually listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance so he / she will live in a sanctified manner (eliminating attitudes / actions that displease God and that fail to show His love to our neighbors). A sanctified lifestyle and interaction with other human beings truly makes the world a better place to live. The problem we have today is more and more people doing the opposite and following their own human will while thinking that our world, nation, and lives will get better, more moral, and more blessed. Of course, the record shows that is not what transpires when you forsake the Lord and His instruction.

God told us that people would be offended by the truth of the gospel. It’s eternally important that we not let individuals or world systems control the Great Commission, our lives, business, or financial stewardship. Otherwise, they cut off our gospel witness in the earth. If we allow people’s opinions and ungodly laws to control us, we’ll fail to give God glory and will receive no eternal reward for our work. I’d rather disobey man, when necessary, in order to fully obey God because I know it’s best for everyone including my accusers, oppressors, and persecutors!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Mark 8:33-38, Luke 7:20-22, Luke 12:20-21, Acts 4:13-30, Acts 5:40-42, 2Timothy 4:1-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Money Walk 202: Be Who The Lord Wants You To Be

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Either you’ll be ruled by what man thinks you should be and do and say or you’ll be ruled by what the Holy Spirit leads you to be and do and say. Some people have the cat by the tail believing that man-made laws, traditions, and philosophies must rule how you evangelize the unsaved and disciple believers. Some follow this prescription out of fear.

Such ungodly attitudes make them speechless about the gospel and of little use to God in their communities. Instead of affecting the world for Christ, they follow the world into ungodly passions and pursuits. The same attitudes and fears will play out in the management of your money and resources if you let them. You must resolve to do what you know God has directed by the bible and the Spirit whether men, so-called experts, or religious leaders agree with your method of pleasing God.

Satan will try to use worldly people and some misinformed people in the church to stop your ministry service. You must resolve to never let the enemy or people stop you from being who the Lord wants you to be and doing what He directs you to do no matter how much you love them or how emotional, educated, or logical their appeal seem to be.

The bible instructs you to live holy. You do this by praying His will for your life, fellowshipping with God-fearing believers, being willing to suffer for Christ’s sake, eliminating the love of money / materialism from your life, tithing and giving offerings, budgeting your income, know the state of your income and expenses, saving and investing to build wealth so that you are blessed to be the blessing the Lord wants you to be while on earth. Expeditiously adhere to these instructions so you steer clear of friendship with the world and enmity with God.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Isaiah 43:18-28, Jonah 2:8-10, John 15:14-16, Ephesians 5:8-10, James 4:4-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, July 7, 2013

MoneyWalk 201: Wrestling Brings Success

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In life, we must deal with desire versus need. In some instances, this can be equated with living in the spirit versus the flesh. In the spirit, we walk according to the Holy Spirit’s direction doing things that are fruitful throughout eternity. In the flesh, we walk according to the dictates of human reasoning with an appetite for ungodly pleasures and desires that disregard God’s will for our lives.

We all battle with walking in the spirit versus the flesh in the financial area as well. While working to put yourself in the position that God wants you to be in, you’ll battle the demons of desire that will attempt to shake your consistency and faithfulness in reducing current debts and not creating new ones.

It may be your flesh or demonic spirits or both attempting to influence you to purchase items that you should not purchase in your current financial condition. Either way, continuing to purchase such material goods and services when you have been a poor steward of the income God has allowed to come into your life will move you further away from the will of God. It will reduce your giving to spread the gospel and will bring harsh consequences to your life such as continuing financial stress and pressure, negating your ability to accumulate valuable assets, and build wealth, and pushing you into foreclosure, repossession, and bankruptcy.

Crucify the lusts of the flesh, bind and cast out demonic influence, be faithful to use biblical money management principles and methods that are pleasing to God and truly helpful to you such as tithing, budgeting, debt elimination, saving, investing, and diversification of assets. When you understand that you wrestle against false prophets that spew out financial advice that is opposite God’s word on good stewardship then you have a chance of not only prospering in all you do but also going about it in a God-honoring and God-pleasing manner.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ephesians 6:10-20, Jeremiah 28:15-17, Ezekiel 13:22-23, Luke 20:45-47, Hebrews 2:1-3, 2Peter 2

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 30, 2013

MoneyWalk 200: False Financial Prophets

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are financial advisors who truly have your best interest at heart. They teach you money management principles that will immensely bless you throughout this life and the life to come. They put God first in everything they do and teach you to put God first in all you do. They teach you to pursue the attitude of pleasing God first instead of man and doing so themselves leads them to deal with you honestly according to practices that will truly serve you best.

They don’t succumb to greed, deceit, and abuse of customers regardless of their position, status or knowledge. They remove themselves from corporate cultures that seek to un-righteously take people for all they can get or they operate within such companies in a way that is a godly example to those around them of how to care for clients in the manner that displays God’s love for their financial well-being. They don’t put themselves in a position to immorally or illegally take or misappropriate anyone’s money.

These financial advisors teach you biblical principles so you know how to measure other financial advisors who approach you about managing your money or investing. The lessons also teach you how to shop around for yourself at the different brokerage houses and financial institutions to obtain the very best products and services because they understand that if they treat people with care and concern, truth, and transparency most of the customers will eventually choose to do business with them because they have displayed integrity and trustworthiness.

Beware! There are false financial prophets (advisors) in the world that may have all the notable educational credentials, yet are motivated by greed, selfish ambition, and arrogance. Such people do not operate in your best interest. Some engage immoral and illegal trade while trying to convince you that their products virtually guarantee you astronomical annual returns while their illegal actions and investment churning eat into your investments leaving you with nothing or far less than you gave them to manage.

You avoid these types by:

1. Consistently praying to the Lord about your finances and about helping you make the right choices in every area of your life and every situation you encounter.

2. Reading the scriptures daily and internalizing what it has to say about money management and the traits of false prophets.

3. Fellowshipping weekly with the saints and finding out which ones are good stewards of the possessions God entrusts to them and asking them to give you insight into the methods they use to manage money well and why they do so.

4. Reading books and articles that educate you on how to manage your finances and that share the scams and poor financial decisions running rampant today.

5. Praying more that the Lord help you not fall to temptation in the area of greed, covetousness, envy, or striving for money, position, or anything that is outside His will for you or His saints.

When you adhere to these practices you will find that God’s wisdom to prosper is available to you in a way that keeps you away from trouble and that keeps you in a position to refuse to engage trouble and helps you grow to bless your family and many other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Jeremiah 28:15-17, Ezekiel 13:22-23, Luke 20:45-47, Hebrews 2:1-3, 2Peter 2:1-9

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 23, 2013

MoneyWalk 199: From Failure To Success

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you are about Father God’s business, He doesn’t count previous choices as failures, no matter how they work out, as long as they were made after seeking His counsel, not being disobedient to His counsel when He gives specific instruction, and from a heart to do His will.

All of us suffer what look like failures on our road to building greater personal, business, and ministry wealth. Many steps to success are called failures by men, but to God these setbacks and hardships are tools that strengthen us, build our endurance, and give us wisdom to make good choices down the road.

He counts them as steps in your progression that mature you to handle more responsibility in His kingdom. Yet, failure and success are often inverted by people in this life. We call some people successful when they’re really failures in the Lord’s economy and we call some people failures when they’re really successful in the Lord’s economy. The difference lies in whether or not the person, throughout his/her endeavors, assigns all the glory to God for profits, revenues, assets, services, and products and seeks to serve others in a godly manner and faithfully / consistently supports gospel ministry.

When a person fails to hold, communicate, and progressively live according to biblical principles at home, in his/her employment, and entrepreneurial endeavors the person moves from success to failure in God’s eyes, no matter how big, famous, and powerful they become in the earth or how successful men consider them to be.

Be truly successful at personal, business, and ministry endeavors by always making your priority doing God’s will, upholding His standards in your life, seeking to give Him glory in all you do, and supporting the Great Commission by evangelizing the lost and being a disciple-maker.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 8:17, 1Samuel 30:8, Luke 12:16-21, Acts 7:41, James 5:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 16, 2013

MoneyWalk 198: Let The Holy Spirit Guide You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When managing your personal finances and starting, maintaining, and growing a business venture you must remember that God wants you to be blessed to receive the fullness of all that He wants for you and those you are to serve. The way you go about doing these things should be a testimony that gives glory to God, His will, and His way – a great encouragement and help to everyone He allows to cross your path so they can see that relationship with Him and adoption into His family is the most important priority in life and it is from this environment that His greatest blessings for them can flow to them.

It is the Holy Spirit’s business to impart wisdom to you through the Word of God and revelation to help you overcome and destroy every obstacle that stands in the way of fulfilling your destiny and being useful to God and other people. If you listen to and follow His leading, then you will find that your business, ministry, and profession will succeed in God’s eyes and will promote the good news of our LORD Jesus Christ and the salvation that only He can give.

You will be used mightily by the Holy Spirit to lead people to Christ when you treat people kindly, develop positive relationships, pay good employees good wages and benefits for the work they do helping you manage the portion of God’s estate entrusted to your stewardship, and live before them in every area as an example of a person sanctified by God.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot prosper living God’s way according to the Holy Spirit’s guidance confirmed by biblical principle. God’s word says you can, therefore the matter is forever settled! There is no profit in gaining the whole world yet losing your soul.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 3:16-21, Jude 1:20-25

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 9, 2013

MoneyWalk 197: Be A Good Samaritan

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you take advantage of a person who is suffering financially you are not being a witness of God’s goodness. When someone is hurting and you fiercely push him to sell you possessions he desperately needs for pennies on the dollar, you must ask yourself whether you could have been a better witness by refusing to purchase items that are necessary for his day to day living or by providing temporary help that leads him out of the ditch.

It is a different matter when he decides, without your pressure, that he needs to sell material goods in order to be a good steward and to financially care for the higher priorities according to God’s design for life. Let the person make the decision that things of value need to be sold instead of putting any pressure on him. In this instance, you refuse to allow envy and covetousness to take root as you look at his bad financial situation. Buying his unnecessary material goods in this scenario help you maintain pure intentions and could help him obtain money to pay for products and services that are necessary.

If he only has items of value necessary for life and godliness, then it is best to act as a Good Samaritan gifting him what you can, rather than seeking to make your life more comfortable and pleasurable by taking his necessities through purchases and loans / usury interest that you are well aware he is unlikely to be able to pay all the while thinking this scenario will give cover to your evil designs to take what God has given him to steward.

No doubt you shouldn’t purchase products and services from him that are sinful in nature or that lead to sinful activities. It is not Christ-like to purchase anything that leads to the undermining of gospel preaching and teaching at home and around the world. Finally, you should not purchase anything that will take you or anyone else away from a regularity of daily bible reading, prayer, and weekly fellowship with the saints.

For example, if you know that he has a set of collectible magazines that would fetch a hefty price in the market yet contain ungodly themes and lifestyle encouragements, then you need to fore go that purchase no matter how much it seems the money could help him. Unless of course you will immediately buy, shred, and throw them away so that you and no one else will ever be negatively affected or cursed by them.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Nehemiah 5:7-12, Proverbs 16:2-5, Luke 10:25-37, 1Corinthians 8:9, James 4:17, 5:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, June 2, 2013

MoneyWalk 196: Selling With Integrity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most everyone must sell himself or herself in order to get a job. Some people select employment opportunities where they also sell products or services to others. Still others start entrepreneurial ventures and must sell themselves, their products, and their services to customers in order to receive income from their endeavors. Almost no one is immune from the requirement to be a salesman on some front. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to sell yourself, products, and services in a way and for an end that pleases God and helps other people.

Some have chosen to deceive and oppress in order to sell themselves and/ or make the sale. Others have chosen to offer defective products and services to make the most money, hoping that people won’t notice or will feel it’s too hard to do anything to correct the problem and yet still buy from them. Still others have chosen to make guarantees they know they cannot live up to in order to make the bucks now, believing that everything will just work out if they can get their hands on more money and more luxuries right now.

You should not engage these wrongful attitudes and activities and no matter what your current situation you don’t have to operate in this manner in order to make a good living. If you do so, you will ultimately pay a heavy price that will result in broken relationships, loneliness from other people being unable to trust you, loss of employment and future career and business opportunities, and possibly prison sentencing resulting from criminal activity. Watch out! Most deceitful people start off small thinking they’ll never be caught but later on they are caught and must face the music and pay the piper.

You can and should operate in the utmost honesty and integrity regardless of whether you would make a bundle or live in the lap of luxury you envision. Yet opportunity to do well financially and even phenomenally beyond your wildest expectation is available to you in a way that will bless you and not curse you throughout your life when you sell yourself, products, and services in a manner that pleases God. All your needs and many of your desires will be filled and you’ll have peace, joy, and right standing with God as you operate with integrity in your dealings. If one opportunity passes you by, God will be sure to cause others to come your way which will provide all that you need and more and allow you to stay within His will and under His protective covering.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Nehemiah 5:7-12, Proverbs 16:2-5, 22:16-19, 28:18-20, 1Corinthians 8:9, James 4:17, 5:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 26, 2013

MoneyWalk 195: Purchasing A Car?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people have been duped into buying expensive vehicles long before they were really able to afford them. They’ve believed the lie that it’s their heritage to live the American dream no matter what the cost. So, they’ve allowed satan to destroy their lives by making the ownership of new cars every couple of years a need instead of a desire.

They’ve done such crazy things as purchased or leased a brand new car with $400+ monthly payments instead of paying $500 worth of repairs to a vehicle with low or no monthly payments that would run tens of thousands more miles without great amounts of additional cost for repairs. Their minds have been blinded to believe that they had to purchase the newer or more expensive vehicle because they could foresee the old vehicle costing them more in the long run.

All the while, their voracious appetite for new cars and SUVs along with that of many millions of other people have allowed manufacturers to jack up prices to ratios of income unseen in times past. Uneducated consumers will keep getting loans because they’ve bought the lie. However, pressure and stress mounts with each reckless purchase and disregard for your budgetary situation. Soon you have no peace and joy because you owe everybody a huge piece of your monthly income.

Well God’s plan is vastly different from the tricks and enticements of the world. He wants to give you the best, without debt and the grave consequences that result from it. Affordable, debt free purchases of cars that you really enjoy are made possible when you seek Him first and take care of your godly responsibility of being a good steward who properly sets priorities through budgeting that allows you to appropriately care for your family and your church.

His plan pays much greater dividends in the end without all of the headaches and troubles that accompany the loans you have been using to fulfill your desires. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 16:20, 21:17, Matthew 6:19-34, John 10:10, 1Peter 5:6-10

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 19, 2013

MoneyWalk 194: A Husband’s Gift That Lasts

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Husbands have an awesome responsibility that comes with a pathway to greater prosperity. Yet, many of them are not aware that the greater blessing is reserved for husbands that love, understand, pray for, and care for their wives according to the will of God for marriage and the family unit.

Hardships, trouble, divorce, and broken family units are the by-product of a husband’s failure to love their wives like Christ loves the Church. He laid down His life for it so that we could have an abundant everlasting life filled with the positive vibe of belonging to the Father’s family and be of great use on the earth in His service to bring Him glory.

Some husbands provide what they consider to be the needs of the wife, but once done they believe they can move on to satisfying their own pleasures such as purchasing boats, season sport tickets, going to the bar with friends, etc. In most cases they have not organized their finances, budgeted their income and expenses, and set the family on a pathway to consistent good stewardship by tithing, eliminating debt, saving, and investing.

Some even pressure wives for agreement or mentally or physically bully their wives into accepting such purchases by lording it over them with comments like “God made me the head so I get to make the decisions around here” or “I don’t know why you don’t want me to have anything when you always get what you want” etc.

It may be true that the wife is afforded some leeway to purchase things she wants, but in some instances it is meant to help alleviate the husband’s guilty feelings that come from spending too much time at work, hanging out with friends too much, buying toys the family really can’t afford, and not spending enough quality time with the wife and kids.

Some of our harmful marital attitudes and actions were formed when we were kids socialized by watching interactions between our parents and our friend’s parents and some of our problems come from mimicking the worldly interactions we see all around us today. We mimic them without using biblical truth, instruction, and guidance to sift the beliefs, customs, traditions, and behaviors to know which ones we should and should not mimic.

Of course, your parents, other parents, and even some unbelievers may have been great examples in some areas that you chose not to follow. No matter the reason for your current dysfunction you can stop the flow of negativity in your marriage, see the dysfunction and lack of leadership for what it really is, and correct it to greatly enhance your marital unity and financial condition.

Here are a couple of suggestions. First, surprise your wife every now and then with a bouquet. Second, make sure you honor her birthday and special days with a gift that fits your budget. Third, always be open to her input, suggestions, and ideas that will help discipline you all to be good stewards. Fourth, reduce your monthly expense that is going out to pay for desires to a level that fits well within your budget, savings, and investment goals. The increased marital care and discipline will greatly increase the blessing on your life and annually increase your net worth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Malachi 2:14-15, Matthew 19:3-6, Ephesians 5:28-29, 1Peter 3:7-8

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MoneyWalk 193: Prosperity’s Two Extremes

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Some preachers teach that nothing will come to you unless you plant a seed for it and whatever type of seed you plant is the type of plant that will grow. They believe that people are stressed and not blessed because they plant weed seeds that grow up and choke the good plants out. They also believe that nothing, including millions of dollars, will come to you unless you plan for it to happen and plant a natural seed for it. In essence, they believe that no good thing comes by mistake. It must be obtained by hard work directly related to obtaining the material good.

Other preachers believe that work profits you little. Therefore, you must faith-demand the material things that you want in order to receive them. These are two extremes: prosperity by faith demand versus works based prosperity. The truth is in the middle including these scenarios:

• God provides your need because He loves you

• His principles, that require work to employ, provide a level of comfort above your need

• He provides some of your desires without you having to work to earn them

• He blesses a small percentage of people to inherit riches.

• He blesses others with wealth through ideas and inventions they never thought would lead to riches or the level of riches they ultimately obtained

• Others had a vision that what they were pursuing would make them rich

• Many rich people over the centuries have worked very hard and that hard work has been a great part of the reason they are rich

Stories of patriarch and matriarch’s lives in the bible as well as many testimonials throughout the history of man and contemporary today confirm all of these scenarios and probably a few others and each have been ways through which great wealth came into people’s lives.

Vision, declaration, giving, and faith are very important and should be a part of everyone’s life plan. You will certainly do better speaking into existence those things that be not as though they were. And, you will often do worse when you fail to have a vision, fail to make positive declarations, refuse to be a giver, and fail to take action by faith (work) to achieve the aim of the vision and declarations.

It is even more important for you to know that it does not profit a person to gain the world (riches, power, position, fame or even opposite things that one might desire) but lose his or her soul. Therefore, you should look to the Lord (who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent) to set the vision for your life according to His will for you in the marketplace and ministry service He designed you for and gave you innate ability to effectively use and enhance.

Be on guard against prosperity extremes and poverty acceptance (that lead to idolatry and foolishness), rather look to the Father, accept Jesus Christ, and be led by the Holy Spirit to pursue His plan for your life so that you will prosper on earth and throughout eternity.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 25:5, 1Samuel 16:6-13, Matthew 6:26, 2Thessalonians 3:10-14

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 5, 2013

MoneyWalk 192: Teaching Children To Manage Money

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many children are being left to raise themselves because parent are making other issues more important than spending quality time teaching principles that will make the children’s lives more purposeful, meaningful, balanced, peaceful, and joyful, as they grow into adulthood.

A lot of parents are giving children the impression that:

1) It is important to have every material thing and career position you want and to be willing to pay any cost to get it.

2) Keeping up with the Joneses is the priority of life.

3) Being in debt is a great way to live and obtain all the comforts of life.

4) You should work as many hours as seems humanly possible to make as much money and gain as much notoriety as you can even if when it means spending little time with the family (in essence destroying the marriage and the family unit).

Most parents are not teaching biblical money management principles that will help their children be content, self-controlled, service-focused, and prosperous in life nor are they directing them to sources that could help them learn these valuable virtues and the methods that can help employ them.

Leading children to Jesus Christ should be the first priority of every parent and guardian. They should also be led to pursue God’s will for their lives and incomes and any money and resources that come into their hands.

This will not happen when the parent or guardian is not focused on pursuing God’s will in his or her own life. Children usually absorb what they see in parents and guardians more than they absorb what parents and guardians say and usually to a greater degree.

When the children see a continually ungodly (bad) example, many times they develop a greater addiction to it and bring greater destruction into their lives than the parents experienced. When they hear and see what is good (a godly example), most times the children will have a much greater influence that keeps them in the Light that enables them to achieve greater levels of prosperity on earth than the parents achieved.

You will probably not teach the correct principles and lessons of life if you don’t follow them yourself. Is your child’s future important enough to make sure he / she inherits eternal life and has the tools to live prosperously on earth using money management principles that please God?

Thank God there is hope even when parents have not taught or exampled the right lifestyle and money management principles and methods because the Holy Spirit never stops reaching out to people, including children, with the truth of eternity and of living in purpose and meaning here on earth. You simply do not want to be used as a tool of satan that serves as a stumbling block whose attitudes and actions lead your children, teens, young adults, and those you influence away from the Truth, biblical principles, faith in action, and good stewardship that lead to eternal and earthly prosperity.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Proverbs 22:6-7, Luke 2:39-52, Ephesians 6:1-4, 1Timothy 3:4-5

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 28, 2013

MoneyWalk 191: A Good Education Does Not Require Massive Debt

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Higher levels of college education are being called the great prosperity equalizer for mankind. Everyone you hear is touting educational degrees as the pathway to success and fulfillment. Our politicians have gotten into the game as well as business leaders all claiming to be for education and touting it as the greatest investment our nation, state, and individuals could ever make.

They want more and more money to be put toward higher education even though they have not yet shown they can balance budgets, spend revenues responsibly, or produce enough jobs to cover the majority of graduates who have racked up tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

Thousands of schools, universities, and new extremely high-priced degree mills are taking up an ever increasing portion of people’s income each and every year to provide this education. It is not uncommon to see many people graduate with bachelors, masters, doctorates, and/or law degrees with $25,000 to $175,000 of student loan debt. Some incur this level of debt and do not graduate. I’m an advocate of good education, but I’m not an advocate of education that warps people into ungodly mindsets and into debt-ridden conditions that work to destroy their future before it’s even started.

Many people are unaware that the United States legacy of education and institutions of higher learning started under the auspices of Christianity. Yet, so much of God’s plan, perfect will, and commands for mankind have been lost to humanistic educational thinking that is self-serving and destructive for individuals and nations. This is simply a shame and is leading us down a path of destruction and people are paying much more for that destruction.

The best education that one can get is from the Word of God and it should be made the central focus of your life. Other education through schools, institutions, independent study, and experience should be sifted by the Word to ensure that only that which is good, useful, and glorifying to God is allowed to be put on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ as head of your life.

When you make the education you seek subservient to your relationship with Christ and the vision He gives for your giftings, abilities, and developed skills to be used in the marketplace (including the Church), then your education will not only be valuable while you are on earth but it will have eternal value. In addition, He will lead you to obtain worthwhile education in a way and from institutions, when necessary, that will not leave you with huge student loan debt that puts you in bondage and pierces you with sorrows for many decades to come.

Having taken a different path than all the other people who are running to and clamoring for the worldly education process and the massive indebtedness it heaps upon them, you will instead gain the education you need at the cost that is well within your budget and you will come out on the other side well-rounded with all the tools, mindset, and inner hope necessary to fulfill your God-given purpose.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 1:7, Matthew 6:23-24, Luke 9:25-26, Philippians 4:8-9, 2Timothy 2:15-19

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 21, 2013

MoneyWalk 190: Biblical Financial Calculations

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

A friend recently asked me how the net-worth equation corresponds to scriptural truth. He figured that blessing equals obedience minus sin was equivalent to net-worth equals assets minus liabilities. We figured that blessing was not the right component for this equation because God blesses just and unjust people, therefore obedience is not always a determinate of whether someone will be blessed with earthly goods.

However, the equation rewards for faithfulness to God equals obedience to God’s commands minus sin could be more accurate because one who lives in Christ will receive the eternal rewards of everlasting life and will also receive natural rewards and prosper to give God glory in the earth and fulfillment of purpose.

Another biblical equation, salvation equals acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD minus your old sinful nature is also valid. Salvation is the greatest reward that one can receive and results in true net-worth. Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD is the best form of obedience that results in the greatest asset and the old sinful nature is synonymous with a continual lifestyle of sin that is the greatest liability that one can ever have.

If you allow the old man (the carnal nature inside) to have pre-eminence over accepting Christ as Savior and pursuing obedience to His will, then you have a negative salvation (spiritual liability), which is really no salvation at all and no hope of an eternal home in Heaven. The fate of this condition, when not resolved before you leave this earth, is far worse than having a negative financial net-worth while you roam this earth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Jeremiah 29:10-14, Romans 4:16-25, Hebrews 4:1-7, Hebrews 7:15-28

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 14, 2013

MoneyWalk 189: Who Truly Has The Most?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Looking through natural eyes men have always branded as “rich” the people with the most money and high cost material resources while at the same time believing those to be “poor” who currently have little money and low cost possessions. We many times think of multi-millionaires and billionaires as the haves and seek to be like them because we want to experience having the most just like they do. In addition, we tend to think they must automatically be acceptable in God’s eyes and pleasing to him because they would not have otherwise amassed worldly riches and the culture of fine clothes, good speech, and engaging public character that seems to be connected to it.

On the other hand, we sometimes believe the middle class, mom’s living on welfare, and low-income families are the have-nots who might not be acceptable to God because they have not displayed the vision, plan, actions, and networks to amass worldly riches and many times seem to barely get by. We avoid many of them because they lack a desire for finery, have slang-ridden speech, and their character is not trying to engage us in a next big endeavor. At the very least, let’s be honest about the fact that we tend to show greater respect for and cater to people who appear rich based on what we can see in the natural. They are our ideal of self-made, successful people who have it all and if we can only bump heads with them at some point we can have the same kind of wonderful life and spiritual worth.

Well, stop looking with your natural eyes and begin to see with your spiritual eyes. Jesus said the abundance of life does not consist of the things that one possesses (including money) and that it profits a man nothing to gain the world then lose his soul. While God may bless you and reward you on earth or allow you to be blessed, your worth is not based on how much money or fine things you have accumulated.

Your worth is solely and wholly based on having a relationship with Jesus Christ in accordance with the bible. This is the only relationship that saves you from the wages of sin, which is eternal damnation. It ensures that you are the most (in Christ) and now the Holy Spirit leads you in a way that seeks to help you have the most according to God’s plan for the rest of your life and the ways in which He wants you to help and be of service to many other people in your community and beyond. Being in Christ ensures that you truly have the Most of what really matters.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalm 36:7-9, Luke 12:13-21, John 10:1-10, James 2:1-10, Revelations 2:8-11

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 7, 2013

MoneyWalk 188: The Battle Rages But Believers Ultimately Win

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We are in a spiritual battle for the use of our lives and this includes the stewardship of all the money the Lord entrusts to us. God He created us to worship and please Him so we will experience peace, joy, and contentment. He has given us principles in the scriptures to use for getting the most out of every area of our lives. We will experience His best as we walk in the newness of life lead by the Holy Spirit.

Yet, satan is opposed to God’s plan and is determined to try and destroy every area of our lives. He wants to usurp the Lord’s all powerful, omnipresent, and all knowing character. So, he tries to steal your affection (worship) by leading you to doubt redemption (salvation) in Jesus Christ. He knows that without redemption you will not have a home in Heaven when you die. Instead, you will make your bed in Hell, even though it was originally created only for satan and his demonic cohorts.

Satan also wants you to doubt the benefit of utilizing biblical principles in the management of your life and finances. He attempts to defile and destroy you by tempting you to live by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Satan will never become God or succeed in his plan to usurp God’s authority. In God’s perfect timing, satan will be judged and thrown into Hell to suffer forever with fallen angels and humans who decided to follow him in rebellion. Yet, when you do not choose to accept Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation, satan’s plan for you succeeds in keeping you from the blessing of eternal life and from earthly rewards given to faithful believers.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Isaiah 14:12-15, 2Corinthians 4:1-5, Galatians 5:13-26, Jude 1:24-25, Revelations 20:1-15

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, March 17, 2013

MoneyWalk 187: A Lesson From The Widows

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The widow had planned to fix her family a meal with the last of her flour and oil and then expected everyone to die of starvation shortly thereafter because the famine in the town of Zarephath was so terrible that there was no natural way she could get anymore food.

Unexpectedly, Elijah, a man unknown to her, came her way and asked for a drink of her water and a piece of her last meal and told her the reward that would come to her by doing so – the flour and oil would last and provide plenty for her and her family to eat well beyond the end of the famine. Even with doubt, a promise not yet experienced, and faced with certain death from starvation a few days earlier than otherwise expected, she gave him a piece of her meal.

Within her heart she believed the hope Elijah had spoken more than the reality she faced. Her family was saved from certain death and extremely blessed as a result of her obedience to the voice of the Lord spoken by His prophet in that the flour and oil never failed to flow until the famine was fully gone out of the land.

Similarly, a man was threatening to take two sons of a widow as indentured servants so that he would be repaid the loans he extended to their deceased father. The mother asked Elisha to intervene to help her family overcome the financial turmoil and bad economy these debts brought upon them. He asked what resources she had available to help overcome the situation and she said nothing but a flask of olive oil.

Elisha told her to borrow as many pots from neighbors as she could and start pouring the little jar over each pot until each one is filled and that she would be able to sell the oil and pay off the family debts and live comfortably. She believed and acted upon the word of the Lord spoken by His prophet and it brought financial freedom.

In the same way, God gives you resources (assets, belongings, gifts, and abilities) that ensure you have more than enough to make life fulfilling and successful in good times, bad times, and famine. The resource may be greatly under-utilized by you up to this point and thus may seem inconsequential like an overabundance of tools, ability to organize belongings, or great carpentry skill. However, I assure you the skill will be life preserving, income-generating, and profitable as the Holy Spirit and men and women that intimately know Him instruct you how to employ your resources.

When you listen to the voice of the Lord and take action upon His instruction you will give greatly to support ministry work and make it a priority to pay off accumulated debt so you can give even more to the things that please God’s heart. Other people may be scrimping due to over-indebtedness and catastrophe, but that will not be your lot in life. Instead you will be serving other people in a God honoring manner, fulfilling your purpose, reaching your destiny, and showing others how to humbly enjoy the creature comforts God so richly provides.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

1Kings 17:9-16, 2Kings 4:1-7, Malachi 3:10, Luke 6:38

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Monday, March 11, 2013

MoneyWalk 186: Is Jesus Lord Of Your Money?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Some people don’t realize that they’ve given lordship of their lives over to people and things other than Jesus Christ. Many have accepted the notion that Jesus is LORD of their lives because they call themselves Christian.

The Lord is not impressed when you or other people call you a Christian, a pastor, or a member of a local church. Neither is He impressed when you have a multi-million dollar income, millions of dollars in assets, a naturally powerful position among men, a six figure income, a low-income, or poverty status in society.

Instead, He’s hurt and very sad about you no matter your income and asset level when you do not use money to support His will in the earth. His will is that He be lifted up so that men can be drawn to Him in relationship in order to be saved, inherit eternal life, and partner with Him and His Church to fulfill the Great Commission through employing the purpose and calling He gave them in this life on earth.

Remember, the Lord was angry and called the rich man a fool when he built bigger barns for himself instead of giving proportionately to support kingdom work in the earth. Also, the young rich ruler had riches and position in life and yet Jesus was sad because he wouldn’t allow Jesus to be LORD of the life and money to which he had been entrusted. The young rich ruler walked away with great sorrow, even though he followed many of the other commandments from his youth on. He did not truly love the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength nor then did he love his neighbor as himself. He had a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof.

In Contrast, Jesus was pleased with the heart and actions of the low-income widow because she gave her few pennies to support God’s work and He was pleased with those who where rich that lent themselves to good works, helping the poor, and other service to which they were gifted by God and trained to use. Whether you are rich or poor make the Lord the priority of your life and desire to honor His will before all others when you earn or receive income and inheritances and as you accumulate more valuable assets.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 13:7, Mark 10:17-23, Luke 12:16-21, Acts 4:33-35, 1Timothy 6:17-19

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You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at